
ZOOMIX logo description

ZOOMIX logo description
ZOOMIX is built up from two phrase, that is 'zoom' and 'mix', which means that we are emphasizing (zooming) on our Designs and Services, and doing our best to fulfill our customer demand from every level of society (mix) as well as youngster.

Cofounder description

My photo
Two urban dreamy guys keep chasing dreams. They like to take things up for challenge but never forget to motivate themselves from time to time. Designing paints their palette of dreams become colourful and meaningful. If you are having the same dream, please feel free to join them, Mocha and Jummy, let them impress you with their colourful world!

Introduction 简介

欢迎游览zoomix部落格。 zoomix承诺将不断地推出新的设计以及不同类型、主题和系列的衣服,帽子,等等产品来满足各介层人士。 与此同时,我们将能够斌于您最好的视觉效果。zoomix将主要专注重于 “设计与服务”。 总的来说,满足各男女及多层次的产品设计是我们的本行。多元化的设计与服务将让我们的客户饱受眼福。当然,zoomix更需要大家不断的支持,您的支持给于我们最大的前进力量!

Life is too short to live in choosing what to wear and avoiding the chance of bump into others with same attire. ZOOMIX beWEAR is now hereby ready to solve this problem for youIn fact, you can now having limited and Unique apparels to help promote your own creativity. Even it’s as simple as the T-shirts are. PUT IT ON! Support our local creative designer's products. Let us inspire you with our very own design style merchandises.

Contact us

Contact us
Seeking for inquiry? Please do not hesitate to send us an email. We are ready to help you in any circumstances. email: zoomix2008@gmail.com


Zoomix Design created since FEB of 2008. Our official website: www.zoomixdesign.com Now Zoomix Design have its own Brand - Zoomix beWEAR and a Cafe Paradise website - Zoomix-Yummy.




www.zoomix.biz is a website that specially only for ZOOMIX beWEAR!!!
Zoomix beWEAR is a Youth Designer's Brand that created by local Youth Designer.
Zoomix beWEAR is fully undered and powered by ZOOMIX DESIGN.


Thanks to all Zoomix's Customer's & SUPPorters

Zoomix Limited Edition's Couple-T had been stopped for sale/order. Thanks for your support. May all of you get a sweet and lovely Valentine's day!

New Products-- Limited Edition Concept Graphic Tee and Accessories will be launched soonish in JUNE of 2009.

ZOOMIX beWEAR of Creativity-------->>>>>>
Catch up our news at www.zoomix.biz to get the Limited Edition's Product at first moment!!! Thank you.

Inquiry Email: info@zomix.biz / zoomix2008@gmail.com


Special thank to....

ZOOMIX would like to thank everyone who had supported us during the MERRY miX'MAS event! And the tireless ZOOMIX Crew who had bear their hands on the succeed of this event. Hence, we are here sending our warmest season greeting to everybody.

For further information please click the Tittle to visit zoomix gallery.